Terms of Service

Last Updated: 3 Aug, 2020.

Welcome to the Plasmic website (www.plasmic.app) (the “Site”). Please read these Terms of Service (the “Terms”) carefully because they govern your use of our websites including plasmic.app and any other websites that we may later own or operate (“Site” or “Sites”); mobile applications (“App(s)”), application program interface(s) (“API(s)”) and our design tool services and other products and services we may later own or operate (collectively called the “Services”).

1. Agreement to these Terms

By using our Services, you agree to be bound by these Terms. If you don’t agree to these Terms, do not use the Services. If you are accessing and using the Services on behalf of a company (such as your employer) or other legal entity, you represent and warrant that you have the authority to bind that company or other legal entity to these Terms. In that case, “you” and “your” will refer to that company or other legal entity.

2. Changes to the Terms or Services

We may modify the Terms at any time, in our sole discretion. If we do so, we’ll let you know either by posting the modified Terms on the Site or through other communications. If you continue to use the Services, you are indicating that you agree to the modified Terms. We may change or discontinue all or any part of the Services, at any time and without notice, at our sole discretion.

3. Who May Use the Services

You may use the Services only if you are 13 years or older and are not barred from using the Services under applicable law.

In order to use certain features of the Services, you must create an account (“Account”) via the Site and become a registered user (“User”). As a User, you may use certain features of the Services as described in Section 4 and you may also create and develop Applications that can be made available via and used with the Services, as described in Section 5. You have to provide us with accurate and complete information and keep it up-to-date. You’ll notify us immediately of any unauthorized use of your Account and you’re responsible for all activities that occur under your Account, whether or not you know about them.

4. Using the Services

4.1 General

The Services offer a browser based tool for user interface design and development work, through which users can produce functional code components. Each design that you work on through the Services is called a “Design” or “Project”. If you are a User, Plasmic provides you (subject to your compliance with the Terms), access to its proprietary tools and design templates (collectively, the “Tools”) to help build your Design through the Services. You can create a Design on your own, or base a Design using the Tools made available by Plasmic through the Services. You may also search for and install certain Applications that are made available via the Services and which can be used in conjunction with the Services.

4.2 Sharing and Permissions

You acknowledge sole responsibility for and assume all risk arising from sharing your Projects or Designs with other individuals. You understand that anyone that has access to your Project or Design can copy and save their own version of the Project or Design and privately edit it.

If you create a Design and/or Project, you hereby grant Plasmic the rights and licenses necessary to make your Design and/or Project available to you, other Users and other visitors to the Services as described above. You hereby grant and agree to grant, or permit Plasmic to grant, other Users of the Services the right to copy, distribute, modify and create derivative works based upon your Project and the Project Content as permitted by the functionality of the Services.

4.3 APIs

Plasmic has developed and provides access to the APIs that may be used to access the Services or develop Applications in accordance with any instructions and documentation provided by Plasmic (“Documentation”). You may only use the APIs in accordance with the Documentation or as otherwise communicated to you by us. Subject to applicable law, you may not use the APIs to build a service or product that competes with Plasmic. Due to the nature of the Services, we will update the APIs from time to time.

5. Developing Applications for Use on the Services

5.1 Applications, General

As a User, you may develop certain types of applications, such as plugins, component libraries, and code components, that can be submitted to and made available via and published to the Services, for use by yourself or all other Users of the Services (the “Application(s)”). Plasmic provides access to APIs that you may use to develop the Applications, subject to the API terms set forth in Section 4.3 above and any other terms provided by Plasmic governing use of the API.

5.2 Submitting Applications.

As a User, you may develop certain types of applications, such as plugins, component libraries, and code components, that can be submitted to and made available via and published to the Services, for use by yourself or all other Users of the Services (the “Application(s)”). Plasmic provides access to APIs that you may use to develop the Applications, subject to the API terms set forth in Section 4.3 above and any other terms provided by Plasmic governing use of the API.

5.2 Submitting Applications.

You may submit an Application to be made available via the Services by uploading the Application through the User portal on the Services. At the time of submission, you may select who will have access to your Application when it is published. Applications may be used by (i) yourself only, for your own personal use; or (ii) all other Users of the Services, which access you can designate at the time of submission or otherwise via the functionality of the Services. At any time after publishing an Application to the Services, Plasmic reserves the right to remove the Application from the Services for any reason, at its sole discretion.

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